Book & A Beer

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M. Judson Booksellers is bringing together a couple of their favorite pastimes for a laid-back approach to a literary happy hour. Book and a Beer pairs up authors talking about their books with Brett Barest talking about a new beer. These stories always do a great job of complementing each other.

This month, you will be joined by Greenville’s own Terry Barr and his second memoir, We Might As Well Eat: How To Survive Tornadoes, Alabama Football and Your Southern Family. In these pages, Terry digs into the rituals, the sorrows, the joys, and pain of living in the South, particularly Alabama and upstate South Carolina. Is being an Alabama football fan a blessing, or an obsession passed down from generation to generation? Should you eat during a destructive tornado, or count your blessings and say your prayers? Can family, food, and football bring all races and ethnic groups together, even in the South? 

Date: October 19, 2018 7:00 PM-8:30 PM

Location: M. Judson Booksellers | 130 S. Main St., Greeenville, SC 29601



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130 S. Main St.
Greeenville, SC 29601