Truck Inn Tuesday & Third Anniversary Party

Swamp Rabbit Inn has something very special to celebrate at this month's Truck Inn Tuesday ... their Third Anniversary Party! Everyone is invited to their local block party in the West End in the parking lot of the Swamp Rabbit Inn. They will have live music, a food truck, local makers and lots of fun!
Music: Folkadelic (Hendersonville, NC)
Food Truck: Automatic Taco
This event is family friendly and pet friendly! Parking is available at the end of Logan Street in the large church parking lot. Please check their Facebook page and Instagram @swamprabbitinnsc if weather is iffy (they We will post by 5:00 if cancelled).
Beer and wine is available for purchase with proof of age required. Admission is free.
Call 864-517-4617 or email with questions. Bring your friends or make some new ones! #bikeinnbikeout
Date: June 13, 2017 6:00 PM-9:00 PM
Location: Swamp Rabbit Inn | 1 Logan St., Greenville, SC 29601
Admission: Free
Event website: